Congratulations to the Saint Patrick Catholic School Choir for being selected to perform at the National Association for Music Education regional conference in February 2017.
Only 36 Selected
The Saint Patrick Catholic School Choir is one of only 36 bands, orchestras, choirs, jazz bands and ensembles from elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and universities across Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming chosen as one of the best performing groups in the region from their recorded audition submitted last spring. Click below to listen to a few of the actual recordings submitted as audition.
A Distinct Honor
Some of the groups selected were chosen to model specific literature or new techniques in a workshop for hundreds of music teachers, and some were granted performance slots in a concert hour featuring different school groups of the same type of music (choral, band, orchestra, etc) in front of a full audience of educators, administrators and concert attendees. But the Saint Pat’s Choir has received the distinction of being invited to perform their own concert of their own choosing at the Conference Keynote Address in front of thousands of educators and dignitaries attending the conference.
The Keynote is the biggest, most prestigious performance of the conference, and we are very proud of our singers!
A Post-Tour Concert In-House
It can be very difficult to be selected to perform at any of the conferences when the event is going to be located nearby. There is often a special attempt to select schools from a more “regional” representation. This performance will be held on Friday, February 17, 2017 in Bellevue, Washington. In celebration of their accomplishment, the Choir will present a concert of their work in the days after their one-day tour. Be sure to watch for details.
The 2016-17 Choir wants to extend great appreciation to all of the singers from last year’s group since it was their recording last spring that was submitted as the audition. We are so grateful to all of those who participated in the beautiful recording of Gaudeamus Hodie, The Water Is Wide, and The Lord Bless You and Keep You in May 2016.
Open Call For Singers
Open registration has been extended and is going on now for all new and returing singers. All students in grades 4-8 wishing to join choir and be a part of this incredible opportunity are invited. No experience is necessary to be in Choir.
There is a special need for more middle school boys whose voices are changing or have changed to fill out our Baritone section within the choir.
Interested? Email Mrs. Maria Lewis, Music Director & Drama Director for more information. Registration closes September 23, 2016.