As we continue to grow in our understanding and appreciation of the role of the laity in the Church and especially lay leaders at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, our staff realized that we need to do a better job of recognizing these leaders.  

Lay Leadership is the Heart of the Church

We want to thank the ministry leaders for what they provide to the parish, and highlight to the parish faith community exactly what these dedicated servant leaders are doing for our faith community within our parish doors, in our parish boundaries and beyond our borders. It takes many parts and people to operate a parish, especially a vibrant, active and engaged church the likes Saint Patrick.  We take our mission very seriously and as you know, the church of Saint Patrick is the people in the pews.  

Recognition of Service Important

At Saint Patrick Catholic Church we are grateful for parishioners who answer God’s call to serve and who have served for many years ministering to the faith community in our church, within our parish boundaries and beyond those boundaries.

One of the staff goal is to do a better job of recognizing our parish volunteers and on the weekend of June 11 – 12, 2016 Saint Patrick Catholic Church took a first step in recognizing lay leaders.

The Goal is to Recognize New Servant Leaders Too

The goal is to not only acknowledge leaders as they step down from ministry leadership, but to also recognize lay leaders as they assume roles in ministry.  It would be beneficial for the parish community to get to know these servant leaders while they are ministering to parish needs and leading the faith community in addition to a show of gratitude as they step down.

Thank You for Emptying Your Vessel

We recognize lay leaders in ministry who have shared their god-given talents— often times over many years to the Saint Patrick Catholic Church faith community.  Sometimes a leader hears a call to purse or re-focus and serve the Lord in a different way.  We are grateful for their generous gift of talent and support them in the new ways they are called to love the Lord.

Bob and Cheryl Hoffman

Bob & Cheryl Hoffman have be the unsung heros serving behind the scenes as gardners for the atrium Rock Garden for 8 years.  The Hoffman’s will continue serving Saint Patrick Catholic Church through the St. Vincent de Paul Society and at Daily Mass.


Chuck Woods

Chuck  has served on the Pastoral Council for 4 years.  He and 3 other who are stepping down have served not only their 3 year term, but an extra year in light of the retirement of Father Seamus Lavery in 2016.  The Pastoral Council has been key in maintaining stability and providing immeasurable council to the Pastoral Coordinator this past year. Chuck also served as Adult Educator at for Family Based Catechesis for many years.

Charles Christnacht

Charles has served the Pastoral Council for 4 years, most recently as President.  Charles is active in other ministries at the parish including Men’s Prayer and Cub Scouts.  Matt Hustead is assuming the role of President of Pastoral Council this fiscal year.

Nina Monaghan

Nina has also served 4 years on the Pastoral Council and has been a leader of the Strengths process at each meeting. Nina also serves as a Eucharist Minister.

Mollie Cleary

Mollie has also served the parish and Bellarmine Prep in many ways— too numerous to mention and will continue to be a strong presence in parish life.

Sister Marilyn MacDonagh & Di Falk

Sister Marilyn MacDonagh, O.P. and Di Falk have retired and were honored on June 10, 2016 during a special celebration after also being recognized at the all school Mass of Blessing on June 9, 2016 and again at a special 2nd semester awards assembly at Saint Patrick Catholic School.   


Sister Marilyn has served as a teacher at Saint Patrick Catholic School for 49 years and she is celebrating 60 years as a Dominican Sister of Tacoma on June 18, 2016 at a special Mass followed by a reception.

Di Falk has been a teacher at Saint Patrick Catholic School for 17 years.

Both Sister Marilyn and Mrs. Falk have contributed extensively to the sacramental preparation of the 2nd grade students. 

Leah Walker

Leah has served 20+ years in the RCIA program and over 5 years as leader of the Arts and Environment ministry.  She will be continuing to serve the parish faith community in the Returning Catholics ministry and as an Annulments Advocate.  

Tony & Lorraine Karabaich

Tony  has served 10 years as an usher at Saint Patrick Catholic Church, the last 6 years as head usher.  He will continue to help out as needed in the usher ministry as Fred and Lynda Morely assume the role of head ushers.  Tony will continue to serve as our parish landscaper.  For many years, his wife Lorraine served as scheduler for the Eucharist Ministers. Susan Campbell has taken on her role and Lorraine continues to serve the parish in event planning— from Father Seamus retirement party a years ago to the Cara to Cara reception just recently and the upcoming Dominican Sisters of Tacoma Jubilee and Mary Randall’s retirement picnic later this month. 

It is important to note, that so many who enter our Church later in life like Tony become some of our strongest volunteers, sometimes they even become a priest, like Father Jerry Graham, S.J.

Joan Doherty

Joan has been active in the Senior Ministry for many years and has served as the ministry leader for the past 3 years. She has served our parish for many years and in many ways. 

Theresa Ceccarelli

Theresa, better know as TC has been preparing great Italian dishes with top secret ingredients for the Senior First Friday Lunch group for many years.

Karen Henderson

Has served as an assistant for Baptisms at 8:30 A.M. Mass for serveral years. 

Pour into Others What the Lord has Poured Into You

Committing our God-given talents to ministry at Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School is just as important as Stewardship of Time and Stewardship of Treasure. It is how we gratefully give back to God in thanksgiving for the talents He has given us. There are many opportunities within our faith community for us to give back to God using the talents He has so generously bestowed on us.

Need a pep talk— listen to Deacon Bill Eckert and parishioner Rob Silva reflect on how Pope Francis called each and everyone of us to answer the call to serve.

You are the Chosen Vessel

God always qualifies the called.  Whether it is to serve the Military Ministry and the active and retired service men and women and their families or to lead the Senior Ministry in enriching the life of seniors or to shepherd Young Professional as they journey through life or any of the ministries that mentioned before.

Don’t let your talents “die on the vine.” By giving of your talents, you can help support our parish’s efforts to carry out the mission Christ gave us.

I Want to Empty My Vessel

If you are feeling called to empty your vessel— the vessel that God has generously filled, email the parish office and let us know which ministry you are feeling called to serve.