Each January 22 our nation marks the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case which legalized abortion during all nine months of pregnancy. Since that decision, more than 56 million children’s lives have been lost to abortion, and many suffer that loss—often in silence.
As Catholics, we recognize the inherent dignity of every person in every circumstance and at every stage of life—from conception to death.
Yet we continue to see many threats to life and violence against it. We cannot look the other way. As Pope Francis noted, our “care for one another is care for Jesus himself.”
Pilgrimage to the Mass & March for Life
Let’s pray together at the annual Mass for Life on January 21, 2020. We invite students and parents to participate in the Mass & March for Life in Olympia, Washington. A charter bus will leave from St. Charles Borromeo Parish promptly at 8:30 AM. Bring a sack lunch and a water bottle. St. Charles Borromeo School and St. Patrick School have approved this day as an excused absence.
Share Your Voice
The Mass for Life is followed by the March For Life– an annual event that takes place on the steps of the Capitol buildings where those who support the pro-life movement rally together to encourage legislators to understand and hear the voice of the people they represent.
We strongly encourage all who are able to attend to do so. It is a powerful experience to see others working and rallying in support of women and children.
Complete both the registration form and the permission form to participate.
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Youth Ministry