The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Novena starts on April 22, 2023, and ends on April 30, 2023—  Good Shepherd Sunday.

A Prayer of Discernment

The Novena is a prayer prayed each spring faithfully since 2002. It was initially prayed in the discernment process of beginning the atrium at Saint Michael Parish in Olympia, WA. The Novena ended on Good Shepherd Sunday— the 4th Sunday of Easter without planning it.

The 4th Sunday of Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday because in each year of the liturgical cycle, on this 4th Sunday, the Gospel is taken from the 10th chapter of John, where Jesus speaks of himself as the “good shepherd.” The Good Shepherd is also the logo and symbol for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

Since then, the Novena has been offered each year for the needs of this ministry, always ending on Good Shepherd Sunday. The Novena represents a deep love of Jesus, and the children serve through CGS.

Let’s Pray Together

Download the CGS Novena 2023 prayer card

Catechists from the entire Pacific Northwest region pray this Novena for new possibilities for growth in the mustard seed ministry of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

The Novena for the Ministry of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

St. Charles Borromeo and St. Robert Bellarmine,
We ask that you intercede for us on behalf of the work of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in our community, region, and around the world, to our God: The Father who is the vinedresser, Jesus our Good Shepherd and True Vine, and the Holy Spirit who is the sap flowing within us.
We are grateful for the work of Maria Montessori, Gianna Gobbi, and Sofia Cavalletti, who, through careful observation of children, have helped us to know more deeply the secret of childhood and have enhanced our understanding of Jesus’ words, “Whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.”
As the ministry of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd grows, we ask for guidance and counsel in our work. We long to bring people of all ages closer to Jesus and help them understand that God is with them in everyday events. We hold in prayer the preparation of atria, the formation of catechists, and the children and families this work seeks to serve. May more children and adults join this ministry and experience a closer relationship with God.
Help us be open to the answers that come and see the path God has laid before us. We place all our dreams, desires, and longings into the hands of God, our Redeemer. Thank you for your intercessions, St. Charles Borromeo and St. Robert Bellarmine.
Our Father (3 times), Hail Mary (3 times), Glory be (3 times), Maria Montessori’s Prayer (1 time)

I want to learn more about CGS!

Kim Ward, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation


[email protected]