Saint Patrick Catholic Church is hosting a Wills and Estate Planning Seminar. This is a free service offered by the Planned Giving Office of the Archdiocese of Seattle. The Planned Giving Office will present this seminar, along with a local estate planning attorney.
You are invited to join us on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. There will be two sessions, 3:00 – 4:30 PM and 7:00 – 8:30 PM.
The information presented will be applicable to adults of all ages, with estates of all sizes. Whether you’re single or married, with or without children, you will learn something by attending this seminar!
The 90-minute presentation will cover topics such as:
- Nominating Guardians for Minor Children
- Leaving a Legacy to Your Parish & School Community
- Durable powers of attorney
- Health care directives
You will also hear about how planned gifts can provide you with personal and financial benefit, while also benefitting our parish and parish school.
Did you know that if you die without a will, then the state of Washington will dictate how your estate will be distributed. In other words, your will is written for you, in a one-size-fits-all approach. The order of distribution starts with spouse, children, parents, and siblings, and continues up and down the family tree, until finally landing on the state of Washington.
For a lot of people, the order of distribution makes sense. But for many others, it does not. Additionally, the order of distribution does not provide for gifts to charity, such as our parish community Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School. One sure-fire way to prevent this happening: Write a will and create an estate plan! We can help you by answering your questions about your options.
What Do Parishioners Have to Say About this Seminar?
Two years ago, I attended a Wills & Estates Planned Giving Seminar here at our Parish. At the time, I already had my will, which includes a couple of bequests, but I was curious to see what I might be missing. It was comforting to learn that I was on tr
Those in attendance who had yet to set up their wills were given the information tools that they needed to get started. The presenters from the Archdiocese Planned Giving Office were there to give us the information, in an open and understandable way.
This seminar is highly popular throughout the parishes in the Archdiocese. Saint Patrick Parish signed up more than a year ago to have this Wills & Estates Planned Giving seminar brought back. It’s worth your while. Georgeann Cukjati, Parishioner & President of Finance Council on 4/29/17
How to RSVP?
[iphorm_popup id=”7″ name=”Wills Estate Seminar 2017 “]Click here to RSVP and indicate which session you plan to attend. [/iphorm_popup]Please RSVP for each person who plans on attending— so if your are bringing your spouse, friend, neighbor, please RSVP for them too.
Pre-registration by May 22 is prefered to plan for materials and refreshments.
Learn more about Planned Giving.