Hayden Kaleiwahea is a parishioner at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. He attends All Saints Catholic School in Puyallup, Washington where he lives. He had to complete 10 hours of service during this summer for school. He chose to dedicate his service hours to the atrium at his parish.
Serving the atrium that Served Him
Hayden re-newed works in the atrium. He polished a miniature brass chalice, candle holders and a ciborium, a few candle snuffers and a plate too.
From Practical Life to The Mystery of God
Brass polishing is a practical life work that Hayden first learned in the atrium at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. The miniature chalice, ciborium, candle holders are part of a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd work known as Altar I, II, III. Children learn the names of the various articles of the Mass in preparation for deeper participation in the liturgy and in preparation for further works in the atrium.
The work fosters a sense of the beauty and order of worship and helps to develop a child’s prayer life. The children are invited to ponder the mystery of God using these beautiful miniature models when preparing the altar in the atrium.
Hayden’s atrium Faith Journey
Read Hayden’s experiences in the atrium—
“My atrium journey started when I turned 3. I don’t remember much about that year, but I remember being excited to go to the atrium. More than excited. I was drawn to go. It was peaceful and calm. I’m not one for chaos!
As the years went by, I saw all of the works. While learning about The Kingdom of God or the Infancy Narratives, I was able to grow closer to God in the quiet there. My favorite works were The Land of Israel, The Globe and the Liturgical Calendar. To this day, I am fascinated learning about cultures, geography and basically any historical information.
The atrium also developed what I think was already there, a love for religion or more specific, Catholicism. Religion is my favorite subject in school. Having Jewish people in my family, the atrium helped me develop a basic understanding of that religion as well.
I go to Catholic school, go to weekly mass there and attend mass with my family.
I was Baptized when I was almost 4 years old. I remember spending extra time in the atrium with Miss Cielito [Lane] understanding Baptism. I remember that day and I remember what Miss Cielito had told me about the water, oil, white and light and what they represent. I didn’t completely understand how much deeper an experience being Baptized was with that added, but now I can.
I would say the place I learned the most, the place where what can be a very confusing and complex history is explained with figures, words and art, is in the atrium.
As I grew older and into level 2, the interest I had with my connection to God kept growing deeper. I memorized prayers, learned songs, learned books of the bible, timelines, parables and more.
The atrium grew up with me and in that my faith and love for God grew in me too. I knew God was there, but my experience in the atrium developed that into love, understanding and knowledge.
If there was atrium for kids my age, I would still go. It’s a special place and one I will remember forever. I am grateful my parents sent me to it.”
Feeling Called to the atrium
For more information about the atrium or how you can serve in the atrium, email Kim Ward, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation or call 253-383-2783 ext. 4108.
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