Rosalie McKinney is a parishioner at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. She is a steward among us.
Working to Fight Childhood Hunger
Rosalie has been working to fight childhood hunger. She volunteers weekly to help prep lunches for school age children through the Pierce County Summer Meals program. Rosalie has a great time each week serving the needs of children in our community. She sits and talks with the other volunteers while slicing meats and cheeses for sandwiches, chopping grilled chicken breast for quesadillas and bagging baby carrots into snack size portions.
Feeding Others Feeds Her in a Different Way
Rosalie, especially enjoys listening to the young people talk about the things they are interested in. She notes, “they seem to enjoy having an exchange of thoughts, opinions, and even sharing of memories, with us older people. I get to practice being truly engaged and non-judgmental. This particular volunteer opportunity is feeding my spirit in many ways and is also good for me physically and mentally.”
Faith finds expression in concrete everyday actions meant to help our neighbors in body and spiritPope Francis
The Pope encourages all to feed the hungry, visit the sick, welcome strangers and give comfort.
United Way of Pierce County is working with the Pierce County Summer Meals providers to increase participation in summer nutrition programs which ensure that children, who rely on free school lunch programs during the school year for foundational nutrition, continue to have access to free meals over the summer break. There are summer meal sites across the county, including St. Leo Parish that need volunteer support to make sure kids are not going hungry over the summer.
Volunteers are needed every weekday through August 25th, 8 A.M.-12 P.M. and/or 1:00-4:00 PM. Volunteers 15 years-old and younger are welcome and need to be accompanied by a parent.
Getting to Know Rosalie
We wanted to get to know Rosalie better, so we asked her a few questions.
How long have you been a parishioner?
“Unofficially,” because there were years [where I was not registered and] I did not use the collection envelopes, my family has been a member since September 1978—coming up on 39 years.
What ministries are you or have been involved with?
- I was involved with PrimeTimers. I still check in with them during Social Hour after Mass.
- I served as a volunteer in Children’s Liturgy of The Word. The 3 to 5 year olds [are my favorite age group to work with.] I thoroughly enjoy them! We need more volunteers for this ministry.
- The Disability Inclusion Ministry is a new one at the the parish. I’m learning more about how our laws work and how many ways lives are affected by our individual issues. I’m enjoying meeting parishioners I’ve only seen “from afar.”
Why do you love Saint Patrick Catholic Church?
The moment I walked in the front door on that first Sunday, [39 years ago] I knew I was “home” and never leaving.
Do You Know a Steward Among Us?
Do you know someone who is doing great things for others and living the stewardship way of life? Help us profile the extraordinary everyday stewards among us.
Stewardship lifts up our parish and our communities and we want to give thanks for the gifts of people living the stewardship way of life. Send us an email and let us know about the stewards among us.