Dear Friends,
As springtime finally appears to be sticking around awhile, I wanted to share with all of you some of the things happening at Saint Patrick Catholic Church and Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church as we move towards the end of the school year and into summer.
Parish Leadership We’re hoping to hear news of the new archdiocesan pastor heading our way. It is a challenging time for the Archbishop as he tries to place his leaders across Western Washington. Please keep him in your prayers as he discerns these important decisions. Please continue praying for Father Wagner and the parishioners of both Holy Rosary and Visitation Catholic Church. As you can imagine, his illness may impact the plans Archbishop Sartain has for our greater Tacoma catholic community.
Partnership planning with Saint Rita continues in earnest. We’re now less than 75 days from July 1, 2018. Next on our task list for the Joint Transition Team is working on a joint recommendation to the Vicar of Clergy Office regarding new Mass times for both parishes.
Feasibility Study for School Capital Campaign and Called to Serve as Christ Campaign for Priest/Religious Pensions The Alford Group is in the final stages of completing interviews of approximately 40 Saint Patrick parishioners and supporters regarding the physical condition of our 60 year old school facility and whether a campaign for the school is needed and if it could be combined with the Archdiocesan Pension Campaign. We hope to conclude the Feasibility Study in May.
Parish and School Budget planning Continues in earnest, guided by the principles listed in our Parish Mission-Values-Priorities.
Fire re-construction Chris Langdon is close to wrapping up the restoration of our Church Hall Nursery/Wedding Room. Enhancements to the room (windows and double door entry to the main hall) will give us more flexible use of our social space.
Pastoral Council Elections are set for May 19-20. I can’t say enough about how important this group of parish leaders has been in shaping the culture and direction of our parish community. Saint Patrick Parish would not be where it is today without a strong and active lay leadership. Please seriously consider whether you feel called to serve in this capacity. Click here to learn more.
Why we do this While all of the administrative work listed above is vital to the parish, we are in the midst of celebrating the meaning and purpose behind our efforts, deepening our relationships with Jesus Christ through Eucharist, Prayer and Education. We celebrated together during Holy Week, experiencing a new Tenebrae prayer service led entirely by our new Youth Group. We welcomed 10 new members into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Last week 32 high school students Confirmed their decision to continue their adult Catholic identity. This weekend 37 second graders will join us at the Eucharistic table through the First Communion. This is why we do what we do.
Evangelization Last Tuesday, 14 parishioners from Saint Patrick Catholic Church joined with parishioners from Holy Cross Catholic Church in the Alpha pilot program. Of all that’s happening at our parish (and there’s a lot), this has me most excited, as we’re taking that first step forward as a parish community to actually learn how to evangelize and spread the Good News of Jesus to people who are not yet otherwise affiliated with Saint Patrick Catholic Church and may have never heard of Jesus Christ. I’m inspired by the fact we have 14 parishioners wanting to become disciples. Visit here to learn more about Alpha.
Thanks for all you do. I pray that the excitement and wonder of our young First Communicants inspires all of us to a similar experience of awe and wonder at what we have just celebrated together.