Synod of Bishops survey on the Vocation and Mission of the Family. Our bishops want
to hear what you think about these issues. Respond by March 9, 2015
Please take the time to review the letter below, and the letter from Archbishop Sartain on the back, inviting you to share your opinions regarding some very important challenges facing our Catholic Church regarding the Vocation and Mission of the Family. As you will see from the documents and the survey, our Bishops are addressing some very significant issues that impact practically every family in some manner. This is our opportunity to express our views to our Church leaders. Please review the Lineamenta document (available online through our website) before answering the survey. Please note the March 9, 2015 suspense for taking the survey. Contact the Parish Center if you have any questions.
Saint Patrick Parish Staff
The recent 2014 Synod of Bishops in Rome met to discuss the topic, The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization and issued a final document which becomes the preparatory document or the Lineamenta for the next Synod of Bishops in Rome. This Synod will take place from October 4 to 25, 2015, with the topic, The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World. Once again, as with the most recent Synod of Bishop, the Office of the Synod of Bishops invites a process of broad consultation among every component of the local Church, including academic institutions, organizations, lay movements and other ecclesial associations.Embedded in this email is a link to a cover letter from Archbishop Sartain and a survey for your use and for those of your parishioners who wish to participate in the consultation. The Archbishop’s letter contains a hyperlink to the Vatican Lineamenta that provides valuable background information about each survey area. Please feel free to share the survey link as broadly as possible and encourage people to read the Lineamenta before responding to the survey.
All survey responses must be completed by Monday, March 9, 2015. Thank you for your time and interest in this consultation.
Responses will be shared with the USCCB.
Mary Beth Celio
Director of Research
Archdiocese of Seattle