Still not sure what Stewardship of Treasure is or why you should make a pledge commitment for 2016?

Randy and Sherree Gause, parishioners at Saint Patrick Catholic Church gave a witness talk at all Mass during Stewardship of Treasure weekend, November 7 – 8, 2015.  They shared their unique story of why they give and why they believe making a Stewardship of Treasure commitment is important.

Listen to Father Tom Lamanna’s homily and the Gause’s story which closes with a call to action from Deacon Bill Eckert—  asking parishioners to take time for prayerful discernment of God’s gifts in their life and how they will show gratitude for those gifts in their Stewardship of Treasure commitment.

The Gause’s prayerfully considered their Stewardship of Treasure Commitment and made a pledge.  Ready to make your pledge— click on the button below!

My Pledge