Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School:

Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School introduced Children’s Stewardship during the 2016 season of Lent. The Children’s Stewardship program will continue year round as a way to help parents teach children to share their time, talent and treasure with God, family, and friends.

On the face of the Children’s Offertory envelope, your child can note the good deeds they have accomplished with their talents and reflect on the time they spent in prayer during the week. If your child wants to contribute treasure to the St. Patrick community, their donation can be placed inside the envelope. At the offertory, the child places the envelope in the collection basket.

Children's Stewardship

Children’s Stewardship is a wonderful character shaping program and parents will see a deeper involvement in faith life in their children when they participate. An envelope was distributed to all children enrolled in St. Patrick Catholic School and through children’s faith formation programs in the parish. If you have not received an envelope or would like additional envelopes, they are available in the vestibule of the church.

During Lent, Saint Patrick Catholic Church & School is participating in the largest and oldest Lenten program practiced by Catholics in the United States—CRS Rice Bowl. In 41 years, generations of

CRS 2016 Rice Bowl

Catholics have used their Lenten sacrifice to alleviate hunger caused by poverty and improve the lives of individuals and families in developing countries as well as in their own communities. Let’s come together as a community of faith to help those in need.

Blessed CRS Rice Bowls are available in the church during the Lenten season.   When you pick up a Rice Bowl, grab a Lenten Table Tent too. The table tent is published by the Seattle Archdiocese with daily reflections focused on Stewardship of Time, for yourself, for mercy and with your family during the season of Lent. At all Masses the weekend of February 20 – 21, 2016 you will hear more about Stewardship of Time in a Witness Talk from a parish family.

Table Tent of Lenten Reflections

If you have any questions about Children’s Stewardship. CRS Rice Bowls, or how to live Lent more intensely and intently, please call the parish office, 253-383-2783 or email [email protected].

In the words of Deacon Bill Eckert— GO CHURCH!

Yours in Christ,

KJL Singature

Kevin Lovejoy
Pastoral Coordinator