We are hiring! Saint Patrick Catholic Church is looking to fill three positions on our staff team.
More than a Job— it is an Opportunity to Serve
The parish is seeking a full-time Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation, and Community Life; a part-time Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy and a part-time Pastoral Assistant for Pastoral Care and Funerals.
Consider an opportunity to work for an organization where what you do is more than a job. It is a faith filled opportunity to serve your community.
Check out the announcement of the open positions, then apply. Not the right fit for you? Know a friend or a family member who might be interested—please share and invite them to consider the opportunity to serve the faith community of Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation, and Community Life
Saint Patrick Catholic Church is seeking a highly motivated team player to ensure the programs meet the needs of the parish community and are consistent with living the vision of the Church and carry out the mission given to us by Christ. Major responsibilities include working with the pastoral leader, parish staff, consultative bodies, and regional colleagues to develop and implement comprehensive and coordinated plans for Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation Programs and Community Life Initiatives.
Duties include recruiting, hiring, training, supporting and evaluating parish staff and volunteers working in these vital areas of parish life.
This is a full-time position with benefits. Salary is commensurate with experience. See the Job Description for Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation, and Community Life for details about the position.
Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy
Saint Patrick Catholic Church is seeking a part-time Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy to work with our parish priest and liturgical ministry groups to plan, prepare, coordinate and celebrate Liturgical events throughout the year.
Major duties include facilitating periodic Liturgy Commission meetings, coordinating schedules for all liturgical ministry groups, and generally ensuring the well coordinated, spirit filled, celebration of Masses and other Sacraments.
This is a part-time position, 10-15 hours per week, without benefits. Salary is commensurate with experience.
Pastoral Assistant for Pastoral Care and Funerals
Saint Patrick Catholic Church is seeking a part-time Pastoral Assistant for Pastoral Care and Funerals. Responsibilities include providing direct pastoral care services to those in need (often during odd hours of the day and weekend) and coordinating the broader array of pastoral care services through our parish priest(s) and parish volunteers serving in our Eucharistic Ministry of the Sick, Grief Ministry, Health Ministry, and our newly formed Stephen Ministry.
Position also includes responsibility to coordinate funeral arrangements by meeting with family members, coordinating schedules for all parties associated with funerals (priest, deacon, altar servers, musicians, and Funeral Reception Ministry).
Duties may also include hosting vigil services and graveside service, and in the absence of a priest or deacon may lead actual funeral services.
This is a part-time position, 10-20 hours per week, without benefits. Salary is commensurate with experience.
Join the Parish Team
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application, resume and letter of interest to the Parish Center Office by April 1, 2016.
Questions? Call 253-274-4100. We look forward to hearing from you.
Bookmark the Job Opportunities can page and check back frequently for opportunities to join the parish team at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.