Congratulations to the children of Saint Patrick Catholic Church who received their First Holy Communion the weekend of April 23 – 24, 2016.
You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hiddenMatthew 5:18
Gavin A.
Audrey A.
Henry B.
Marissa B.
Audrey B.
Margaret B.
Dominic C.
Marisa C.
Seth C.
Madaria C.
Brayden F.
Ryal G.
Tenzing G.
Karan G
Hunter G.
Bryce H.
Lucy H.
Linnea H.
Jaela J.
Charles K.
Edward K.
Maggie K.
Liam K.
Jacob L.
Nicholas L.
Elias L.
Leticia L.
Alice M.
Lucia M.
Elijah M.
Jordan M.
Benjamin M.
Elijah M.
Grant N.
Adeline N.
Andrew N.
Alexander N.
Jeremy N.
Mason O.
David P.
Marie R.
Ruby S.
Annali S.
Luke S.
Lachlan S.
Josephina S.
Sara S.
Jared S.
Rainey T.
Ramse V.
Triton V.
Eleanor W.
Katherine W.
Aiden Z.
We are a Tabernacle
In the homily, Deacon Bill Eckert reminded all of us that we are a Tabernacle for Jesus. Jesus is in us— in our heart. And it is “Through us, and With us, and In us” that Jesus is present in the world.
Deacon Bill also noted that we, the faith community also received Holy Communion for the first time with these children and invited all to recall the memory of a Holy Communion that has special significance to us. Deacon Bill recalled receiving Holy Communion for the very first time with this wife, Barb on their wedding day.
Dogwood Flowers
Did you notice the white dogwood flowers on the altar? It is also a longstanding tradition at Saint Patrick Catholic Church to have dogwood flowers in bloom for First Holy Communion. The tradition was started by parishioner, Helen Kanick. Leah Walker, Arts & Environment ministry leader continued to use dogwood tree branches in bloom on First Holy Communion in the tradition that Helen began many decades ago.
Learn more about significance of the dogwood flower for Catholics:
The Meaning of the Dogwood Flower
Thank you to all who played a part in the beautiful celebration of First Holy Communion, from the team of Jesuit Priests, Father John Fuchs, Father Tom Lamanna, Father Jerry Graham and Deacon Bill Eckert; to the Sacramental Preparation team— Sister Marilyn, Ruth Kelly, and the Gosslin’s— Mark, Cheri, and their son Aidan Gosselin, under the leadership of Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, Kim Ward, to Leah Walker, ministry leader for Arts and Environement who prepared the beauiful worship space to the ushers and greeters and the entire faith community of Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
A Special Reception
In the tradition of First Holy Communion Receptions, this year’s First Holy Communion recipients and their families will host the 2017 First Holy Communion Reception. Thank you to the team of 2015 First Holy Communion families, lead by Sandra Kuharic, for hosting the First Holy Communion Reception after each Mass.
The Moment Remembered in Photos
Thank you to the photographers for sharing their family photos. Check out the special moment captured in candid photos of parish families. Do you have photos you would like to share? Send us an email.
Sacramental Preparation
Learn more about preparation for the sacrament of First Holy Communion.