The Care Net of Puget Sound Mobile Medical Unit was blessed by Father Pete Henriot, S.J. on October 29, 2017 at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
What is a Care Net Mobile Medical Unit?
The Care Net Mobile Medical Unit provides free services including preganancy testing, ultrasound appointments and STD screenings.
The ultrasound machine in the mobile medical unit was made possible through the successful fundraising efforts of the Knights of Columbus Tacoma Council 809 in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus District 22 Councils and especially 4US.org, which provided a grant that made the project possible.
Care Net offers hope by providing compassionate practical care, accurate information and life- affirming resources related to pregnancy, sexual health and abortion recovery.
Care Net of Puget Sound is not an abortion clinic and does not refer, facilitate or provide abortions. As a pregnancy support organization assisting pregnant women, Care Net does not offer or provide referrals for birth control.
Learn More
Learn how Care Net of Puget Sound, 4US.org and the Knights of Columbus illuminate hope for pregnant women to make abortions rare by choice with the use of ultrasound machines.