Dear Parishioners & Friends of the Saint Patrick Catholic Church Faith Community,
After 18 years of devoted service to our community, Mary Randall will retire this summer. We can’t begin to thank Mary enough for the many ways she has served our community over the years. Most recently Mary has served Saint Patrick Catholic Church as Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy, Pastoral Care, Funerals, Safe Environment, StrengthsFinders, and in countless other ways.
I want to personally thank Mary for remaining on our staff this past year. She has been a tremendous support to me during this year of transition. Her institutional knowledge of our Saint Patrick community served me and the parish staff very well, as we adjusted to our new structure and responsibilities. Her knowledge and experience of how things really work was invaluable.
We appreciate Mary announcing her retirement this early in the year, as it will give us time to make the necessary personnel adjustments to ensure these areas of parish life are provided for. Full-time, part-time, or volunteer opportunities will likely develop in the very near future. If you are interested in parish work or know of someone who might have such an interest and talent, please contact the parish office. In the meantime, keep checking the bulletin and website for additional information.
Thanks again Mary, for your dedication and service to Saint Patrick Catholic Church. We wish you all the best as you make time to be with your family in Olympia, Wa. Let’s make the most of your remaining time with us at the parish.
Kevin LovejoyPastoral Coordinator
Saint Patrick Catholic Church