Every Christmas, churches fill beyond capacity with weekly Mass-goers, Christians on-the-fence, lapsed Catholics, non-believers and everyone in between.

Getting Closer to Christ during Christmas

The Advent and Christmas season creates great opportunities for us to engage with guest or inactive parishioners at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. For many families, going to church to celebrate Christmas is simply a tradition, or even an obligation, but it is also a wonderful chance for them to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is Our Response to Infrequent Mass-Goes?

Regulars in the pews might get annoyed at the infrequent Mass-goers who don’t know the words to the prayers or proper responsive during active parts of the Mass, or when to sit or when to stand.

What Could be our Response to Guests in the Pews?

Instead of getting annoyed, we need to greet guests with warmth and courtesy.  Help them feel the presence of Christ in their heart so that that they will consider becoming more active in their faith.

Rather then being annoyed at the influx of guest and wondering why they visit at Christmas and possibly Easter, we need to figure out what could be done differently so that our annual guest become a regular part of our faith community.

How Will We Carry Out Our Parish Priorities

The parish has three emerging priorities for our long-range strategic plan for Saint Patrick Catholic Church. The first is to be inviting.  The second is to deepen faith. The third is to evangelize.

So what are we doing to let our once a year visitors know that they are invited and welcome at the table of the Lord?  What are we doing to help them live deeper into their faith— which might mean coming to church more often?  What are we doing to evangelize and share the Christ’s love with others?

Will we Making Room at the Inn?

A few years also, St. Thomas More Parish in Denver, Colorado launched an initiative dubbed “Making Room in the Inn” to welcome everyone that makes up the Christmas congregation. We can make room at the inn too!

It is as simple as not sitting in your regular pew at Christmas Mass— but sitting closer to the front to allow guests to sit in the rear where they may feel more comfortable.  It could mean shifting to the center of the pew to allow for guests at the ends or parking at the Parish Center to allow guest front row parking. Maybe it is sharing the hymnal with a guest or offering them a warm welcome with a handshake and a smile.

Preparing the Way for Christ and all of His Family

As we prepare to welcome our Lord at Christmas, let us also prepare our hearts to welcome our friends and neighbors too.  We are all part of God’s family.