…it gives us new birth in Christ, makes us sharers in the mystery of his death and resurrection, grants the forgiveness of sin, and brings us new freedom as God’s children and members of his ChurchPope Francis

For the Catholic, Baptism means participating in Jesus’ death and resurrection, going into the water, and emerging as a renewed child of God.

Baptism of Infants

Sacramental preparation classes are offered for parents of infants and children through six years old. Godparents are welcome to attend as well.

These sessions discuss the theological and spiritual meaning of the sacrament of Baptism and what this means for parents and godparents. There is also time devoted to learning about religious development in early childhood.

Baptisms are celebrations of a child’s initiation into the Eucharistic community.


[email protected]

Baptism of Older Children

Children seven years and older participate in a more formal process called Christian Initiation, also known as The Children’s Catechumen, modeled after our adult process of Christian initiation. These children prepare to receive sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil.


[email protected]

baptisimal water

Baptism of Adults

Christian Initiation is a process of welcoming, forming, and catechizing new Catholics. It is also the process used for baptized Catholics who have not completed their sacraments of initiation: Confirmation and First Eucharist. Its goal is to foster and deepen the conversion of individuals and the entire community of believers.


[email protected]