Tuition & Tuition Assistance
Annual Tuition & Fees
New Family Application Fee
$50 per student | maximum $100 per family | non-refundable
Registration Fee
$150 per student, non-refundable
Technology Fee
$200 per student in Grades 1-8, non-refundable
Click here to learn about the true cost to educate your child.
Tuition Payment
All payments will be made through the Finalsite online tuition management program.
A $35-per-family yearly Finalsite enrollment fee will be charged to your account upon submitting your enrollment contract.
Grades K-8
Registered at neighboring Catholic Parishes
In-parish rate + $500 per student
NOTE – Parish registration status will be verified by the parish office prior to receiving In-Parish tuition rates.
Who qualifies for In-parish tuition?
Saint Patrick Catholic School is the largest ministry of Saint Patrick Parish. Its primary purpose is to educate the children of Saint Patrick Parish, whose families are committed to the Catholic faith and Catholic education.
It also recognizes the considerable support— financial and otherwise— provided by Saint Patrick Parish to the school and the demonstrated commitment to Catholic grade school education by families already enrolled.
Families who are eligible for in-parish tuition:
- Are registered in the parish.
- Attend weekly Mass at Saint Patrick Parish.
- Participate in the religious life of Saint Patrick Parish.
- Actively support Saint Patrick Parish through Sacrificial Giving, with a completed current Sacrificial Giving pledge card on file and progress toward fulfilling that pledge.
Tuition Affordability
It is our goal at Saint Patrick Catholic School that no child be denied the opportunity to attend because his or her family feels they can’t afford it. We are committed to doing all we can to meet the needs of our families by providing what we believe to be fair and substantial tuition assistance packages. We’re willing to meet with every family seeking a way for their children to attend Saint Patrick Catholic School.
Tuition Assistance Resources
Saint Patrick Tuition Assistance Program
Saint Patrick Catholic School funds and administers its own tuition assistance program for students in grades PreK-8. SPTAP applications are due by December 31, 2024. After that date, we continue to accept applications until funds are distributed and no longer available.
Fulcrum Tuition Assistance
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant Program is designed for families currently enrolled in or applying for grades K-8 in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. All awards are made based on financial need. Applications for the 2025 – 2026 school year are accepted through December 31, 2024. Go to the Frequently Asked Questions page on the Fulcrum website to learn more about Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Program.

Erika Rosales CruzParentOur son loves his school. It's is so nice to drop off and pick up and be greeted by name. You will love it here! From academics, faith, compassion, safety, and care if that's what you are looking for, this is the place.
How to Apply
The Fulcrum Foundation and Saint Patrick Tuition Assistance Program use a common application called FACTS. Complete the form once to be considered for both the Fulcrum TAP and the StPTAP. Use the link below to apply for tuition assistance for Saint Patrick Catholic School only. If you are applying for tuition assistance for another school, use their specific link.
Follow all of the application directions and include all of the requested tax forms. Incomplete or late applications will adversely impact any tuition assistance award you might receive. All requests must be completed online at: