Classroom Curriculum
Learn about what we learn about!

Religion is a primary focus in the classroom and it is woven into the PreK school day through daily prayer, songs, celebrations of feast days, and joyful participation in the spiritual life of the larger community of the school.
PreK classes use a preschool-level language arts curriculum which incoporates stories, art, music, and poetry. PreK 4 year olds are also introduced to phonics using the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curriculum.
Our science curriculum was designed by Lakeshore. It uses scientific language and stresses observation of nature and participation in experiments to explain the world. The social studies curriculum stresses the recognition of time periods and holidays. Daily counting, patterning, and sequencing are included in the math curriculum.
Students draw, color, and use scissors to develop writing skills. They practice letters, and in some cases, words. Students practice social skills during recess on a playground designed and reserved for the exclusive use of preschool students. They also practice these skills during periods of free activity choices during the school day. Teachers lead many activities designed to encourage early reading and the development of language and school skills.
Specialists provide weekly instruction in Spanish, art, physical education, and music. Students in PreK classes also participate in many enrichment opportunities.

Primary (K-2)
The religion curriculum, Blest Are We, is aligned with the Archdiocese Religion Standards.
Students attend weekly all school Mass with their homeroom class. Homeroom classes lead a few Masses each year. Students also take part in feast days, reconciliation, and visits with the deacon.
There is a goal at all elementary grades of at least 90 minutes of literacy instruction daily.
English Language Arts instruction is based on Common Core Standards developed by the State of Washington.
Curriculum: The Superkids Reading Program from Zaner-Bloser.
Math instruction is taught using Math in Focus by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This curriculum is aligned with the Common Core State Standards. It includes the use of manipulatives, direct instruction, and many opportunities for enrichment.
Students study science using the Full Option Science System (FOSS) kits that provide meaningful hands-on lab experiences, data collection, and research study.
Science is integrated into literacy and math.
Students receive weekly instruction in Spanish, physical education, art, and music.
Intermediate (3-5)
The religion curriculum, Blest Are We, is aligned with the Archdiocese Religion Standards.
Students attend weekly all school Mass with their homeroom class. Homeroom classes lead a few Masses each year. Students also take part in feast days, reconciliation, and visits with the deacon.
There is a goal at all elementary grades of at least 90 minutes of literacy instruction daily.
English Language Arts instruction is based on Common Core Standards developed by the State of Washington.
Curriculum: Read Side by Side
Math instruction is taught using Math in Focus by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This curriculum is aligned with the Common Core State Standards. It includes the use of manipulatives, direct instruction, and many opportunities for enrichment.
Students study science using the Full Option Science System (FOSS) kits that provide meaningful hands-on lab experiences, data collection, and research study.
Students study social studies using the Houghton Mifflin curriculum.
Students receive weekly instruction in Spanish, physical education, art, and music.

Middle School (6-8)
The religion curriculum, Blest Are We, is aligned with the Archdiocese Religion Standards.
Students attend weekly all school Mass with their homeroom class. Homeroom classes lead a few Masses each year. Students also take part in feast days, reconciliation, and visits with the deacon.
Students in Middle School receive English Language Arts instruction for 80 minutes every other day.
English Language Arts instruction is based on Common Core Standards developed by the State of Washington.
Curriculum: Amplify
Sixth grade math instruction is taught using Math in Focus by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This curriculum is aligned with the Common Core State Standards. It includes the use of manipulatives, direct instruction, and many opportunities for enrichment.
Seventh and eighth grade math class is based on a number of data points to best place the student. Current courses include pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry. Students in 7th and 8th grade are also enrolled in a math lab period, which allows them to experience a collaborative approach to math problem-solving.
The study of science in middle school is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. Instruction includes lecture, meaningful hands-on lab experiences, data collection, and research study.
Students study social studies using the Houghton Mifflin textbook (in first and second grades), leveled reading books, field experiences, and research projects.
Students in grades 6 & 7 take World History, and students in grade 8 take World History.
Electives are offered once a day. Students select their “A” and “B” day electives prior to starting the semester. Teachers & Specialists offer a wide range of elective choices. View the curriculum overview for a list of offerings.